
Showing posts from April, 2023

Finding the best solar panel supplier for your business

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: Finding the best solar panel supplier for your business Solar power has become an increasingly popular choice for businesses as it provides numerous benefits. First and foremost, solar power can significantly reduce the operating costs of a business by generating its own electricity, thereby reducing the reliance on traditional energy sources. This leads to long-term savings on electricity bills, which can be redirected towards […] This article was published by Platform Executive , the home of the platform economy. If you enjoy the content then please post a link on your website, or share on social media to help us get the word out. Finding the best solar panel supplier for your business posted first on

Best practice: Hiring interim managers

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: Best practice: Hiring interim managers This content is only for membersYou must join to unlock this content. Register for FREE to gain instant access.Register to unlockZero spam! We will only contact you regarding your account/purchasesI consent to the processing of my registration data according to the terms of use and privacy policy. In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, companies often […] This article was published by Platform Executive , the home of the platform economy. If you enjoy the content then please post a link on your website, or share on social media to help us get the word out. Best practice: Hiring interim managers posted first on

Best practices in building an interface for your corporate website

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: Best practices in building an interface for your corporate website This content is only for membersYou must join to unlock this content. Register for FREE to gain instant access.Register to unlockZero spam! We will only contact you regarding your account/purchasesI consent to the processing of my registration data according to the terms of use and privacy policy. In today’s digital age, having a business website […] This article was published by Platform Executive , the home of the platform economy. If you enjoy the content then please post a link on your website, or share on social media to help us get the word out. Best practices in building an interface for your corporate website posted first on

7 essentials of a start-up marketing plan

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: 7 essentials of a start-up marketing plan Starting a business is not just introducing a product or service. It takes strategic thinking, planning, and a continuing effort to gain and retain loyal users. And to do this successfully, all businesses need an ongoing marketing strategy to remain competitive. Marketing is key to generating leads and converting them into sales to sustain your […] This article was published by Platform Executive , the home of the platform economy. If you enjoy the content then please post a link on your website, or share on social media to help us get the word out. 7 essentials of a start-up marketing plan posted first on

Use a convenient online generator for paystubs to keep accurate records

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: Use a convenient online generator for paystubs to keep accurate records Keeping accurate payroll records is essential for businesses as it helps maintain a reference of payment dates, salaries, and taxes. Also called payslips, paystubs help employers settle any possible employee disputes regarding net payment, as these documents keep sufficient records to help clarify gross income and deductions. Another essential use of a paystub document is […] This article was published by Platform Executive , the home of the platform economy. If you enjoy the content then please post a link on your website, or share on social media to help us get the word out. Use a convenient online generator for paystubs to keep accurate records posted first on

Business Engineering: a holistic approach to optimisation

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: Business Engineering: a holistic approach to optimisation Business engineering is a holistic approach to optimising and streamlining business processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase revenue. At its very core the approach involves the application of engineering principles to the design, the implementation, and the management of often complex business processes, with the goal of improving overall business performance. The end […] This article was published by Platform Executive , the home of the platform economy. If you enjoy the content then please post a link on your website, or share on social media to help us get the word out. Business Engineering: a holistic approach to optimisation posted first on

What is ‘Design Thinking’ and why is it relevant?

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: What is ‘Design Thinking’ and why is it relevant? Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that involves empathising with customers, defining their needs and wants, ideating and prototyping potential solutions, and testing and refining them through experimentation. At its core, design thinking is a framework of ‘fundamentals’ that helps organisations to innovate and create products and services that meet the needs of their customers […] This article was published by Platform Executive , the home of the platform economy. If you enjoy the content then please post a link on your website, or share on social media to help us get the word out. What is ‘Design Thinking’ and why is it relevant? posted first on