Twitter now lets users leave conversations

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: Twitter now lets users leave conversations

Twitter platform

Despite the ongoing drama surrounding Elon Musk’s proposed takeover of the struggling Silicon Valley-based social media platform, the product development team there have not stopped improving the product.

The platform now allows users that find themselves in mentioned in conversations they are not interested in to remove themselves. This has long been viewed as a problem for Twitter users, who sometimes get mentioned in spats and Twitter fights between users that roll for days. These unwanted mentions cause a clogging up of the users mentions and notifications. Something that we know from experience, is somewhat frustrating.

The new functionality is called ‘Unmentioning’ and has been in active testing amongst control groups since April of this year.


Users that have been @mentioned within a conversation can now go to the Mentions tab and select the 'Leave this conversation' option, or alternatively select the three dots in the top corner of any tweet with a mention. Actioning this will untag their username, thus stopping all future mentions in the thread.

No participants in the thread will receive a notification… and other users will not be able to add them back in to the conversation. There could be issues surrounding this, but on the face of it, it is probably a wise move.

This latest move is a continuation of the product strategy of cumulative improvement to the user experience. Last year, Twitter introduced a ‘Safety Mode’ feature that was aimed at blocking hyper aggressive and/or hateful users.

The team at Platform Executive hope you have enjoyed the article. Automatic translation from English to a growing list of languages via Google AI Cloud Translation. Reporting by Rob Phillips.

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