How to increase your Snapchat score easily

The full version of this article, along with thousands like it, can be found here: How to increase your Snapchat score easily

Snapchat Score

Snapchat is one of the most popular social media apps of the moment, and the developers are constantly working to keep this status.

This is why there are new Snapchat features being released almost every month, and you will find that the app is constantly changing to offer you more.

One of the best features of Snapchat is the Snapchat Score. Whenever you log into the app, you will see a number displayed next to your username. This represents your Snapchat Score and is used to show how active you are on the app.

There are many ways to increase your Snapchat Score, and this is something people do in competition with their friends.


Your Snapchat Score is a way of showing how active you are on the Snapchat app, and it will change with all activity that takes place here.

There are a lot of things you can do on Snapchat that can impact your Snapchat Score, although the exact movements are kept secret by the developers. It is possible to guess which activities offer the highest Snapchat Score by keeping an eye on your progress as you use the app, but this is not the fastest way to go about things.

Using Snapchat to send messages, post to your Story, and send videos to friends can be a way to increase your Snapchat Score.

However, if you compete with your friends, then you will want to have the highest Snapchat Score without much effort, so you will need another way.


As we have mentioned, the exact ways to increase your Snapchat Score are still kept secret by the app developers. But this does not mean that users are completely clueless.

There are ways that you can increase your Snapchat Score, as all activity on the app contributes to your score in some way. If you want to beat the rest of your contacts, however, and have the highest score by the end of the week, then you will be looking for an easier way to do this.

This is why many Snapchat users have asked the question, can your Snapchat Score go up without opening snaps, as this will make things so much easier. One of the ways to increase your Snapchat Score is by using the app to talk to people, such as by replying to Snapchat messages.

Your Snapchat Score is affected both when you send messages to other people as well as when you receive them. If you are competing with your contacts in regard to your Snapchat Score, then it will be much easier and also offer quicker results if you can simply send messages without having to read the replies while still also getting the benefits.

Using Snapchat to send messages and post images to your Snapchat Story can increase your Snapchat Score and is an effective way of using the app without having to open messages.

This article was published by Platform Executive, the home of the platform economy.

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